Rusk FAQs
Got questions? We've got answers!
At Ruskalicious, we understand that navigating through information can sometimes be overwhelming. That's why we've put together this comprehensive FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section to provide you with quick and easy solutions to common queries.

What is a rusk?
Rusks, also known as ‘beskuit’ in Afrikaans, is a rustic, rectangular oven-dried biscuit, which is typically served with a hot beverage like coffee or tea, any time of day.

Who are rusks for?
Believe it or not, rusks are not just meant for babies while teething… Our rusks are made with love for ALL to enjoy, no matter your heritage or age! Adults and children alike from all around the world!

Where and how are our rusks made?
We bake in a Council Registered commercial kitchen in Silverdale, Auckland. We have a Grade A food safety certificate. Our rusks are made by combining the finest ingredients sourced locally to form a soft dough, baked to perfection, then broken or cut into chunks or slices. The rusks are then returned to the oven to dry out at a very low temperature.

How often do we bake?
We bake daily!
~ Monday - Friday ~
This is why our rusks, unlike others, are baked and delivered fresh to our stockists and to our online shoppers. This ensures only the highest standard and quality.

What is the origin and history of rusks?
The family of rusks has evolved from an early Cape settlement staple in the mid-1600s, through the Great Trek and the Boer Wars in the 1800s, to now - a modern day necessity / delicacy. Initially, our ancestors made rusks by preserving bread, especially when travelling long distances without refrigeration.
Over the generations, rusk flavours continued to evolve. The basic boerebeskuit was enriched with raisins, fennel, and anise seeds. After the second World War, many Afrikaners moved to cities and 'beskuit' became a regular household staple.

How and when are
rusks eaten?
Rusks are usually briefly dipped in a hot beverage such as coffee or tea before being eaten. A rusk can be enjoyed with every cuppa throughout the day - whether it's a nice hot cup of coffee or tea, or just on its own - it is up to you!

What ingredients are used to make rusks?
The basic recipe for rusks usually consists of flour, butter, buttermilk, sugar, baking powder, eggs and salt. Rusks can also vary in flavours and may contain bran flake cereal, nuts, seeds or other sources of fibre.

How long do rusks keep?
Stored in an airtight container, rusks can last for months. But be warned, these traditional South African rusks might create a
‘I’m-not-gonna-leave-this-bed-for-a-while’ ritual and not last as long as you'd hope! Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

What are the common allergens in our rusks?
Our products contain gluten, egg and dairy. Some products contain tree nuts, seeds and may contain traces of peanuts and other tree nuts.

What packaging do we use?
Here at Ruskalicious, we use only food safe packaging. We also
value the environment. All our packaging is soft-plastic recyclable.